Top talent at your fingertips
For more than 15 years, we have been bringing people and businesses together. Do you need temporary reinforcement in Finance, Legal, HR or Marketing to ensure the continuity of your team or organisation? We always find the perfect match between your specific needs and the knowledge, experience and skills of our consultants and interim managers. Every year, we carry out +400 projects at various top organisations in a wide variety of sectors, corporate cultures and levels.
We can join your team with one of our +200 consultants or +5000 freelancers and interim managers.
Temporary reinforcement in 4 areas

Growth is possible only if you are financially sound. Our Finance professionals are true perfectionists. They love to help build your company’s growth behind the scenes. And this can be done at all levels: from accounting and controlling to financial management.

In times of big data and GDPR, regulations are regularly introduced or changed. Want to keep growing? Then it is crucial that you capitalise on this.
Our Legal professionals provide temporary support tailored to your specific needs.

Attracting, retaining and developing talent remains a challenge. So as a company, it is best to invest in specialists who know how to work with human capital. Our HR professionals know what it takes to attract, motivate and grow the right people.

If you want to grow, you need to look for new customers and markets. Our Marketing professionals map out the route for you, based on the latest trends. And our Sales professionals are building new relationships. Both know how to package and tell your story.

Groeien kan alleen als je financieel gezond bent. Onze Finance professionals zijn echte perfectionisten. Ze houden ervan om achter de schermen mee te bouwen aan de groei van je bedrijf. En dat kan op alle niveaus: van financiële administratie en controlling tot financiële directie.

In tijden van big data en GDPR, worden er regelmatig regelgevingen geïntroduceerd of gewijzigd. Wil je blijven groeien? Dan is het cruciaal dat je hierop inspeelt.
Onze Legal professionals zorgen voor tijdelijke ondersteuning op maat van jouw specifieke noden.

Het aantrekken, behouden én ontwikkelen van talent blijft een uitdaging. Als bedrijf investeer je dus best in specialisten die weten hoe je met menselijk kapitaal werkt. Onze HR professionals weten wat er nodig is om de juiste mensen aan te trekken, te motiveren en te laten groeien.

Als je wil groeien, moet je op zoek gaan naar nieuwe klanten en markten. Onze Marketing professionals stippelen de route voor je uit, gebaseerd op de laatste trends. En onze Sales professionals bouwen aan nieuwe relaties. Allebei weten ze hoe ze je verhaal moeten verpakken en vertellen.
Our customers

Our Finance, Legal, HR or Marketing professionals are ready to help you.
go for continuity and growth
with temporary reinforcement by our Xperts

Among our customers, we see four major problems recurring, compromising their continuity:
- Scarcity in the labour market: finding the right people with the right skills is difficult. Moreover, these skills are constantly evolving.
- Lots of movement and little retention: because of layoffs, pregnancies, long-term illness, promotion, etc.
- Increased workload: results must be better with less. But also an increased focus on employee well-being.
- Xtra projects: need for specific knowledge and productivity, e.g. when implementing a new ERP package, a rebranding, digitisation, etc.
Our solutions

Sometimes the work piles up for a while and you need a few Xtra hands. We can provide you with that, with the right expertise and only for the time you really need.Thanks to their experience and flexibility, our +200 consultants are in place in no time to temporarily strengthen your Finance, Legal, HR or Marketing team. We also continue to guide and develop them, using the ACES quality process to do so

Interim Management
Are you looking for a particular expertise that is hard to find? Do you need someone temporarily for a strategic position or a specific project? You are sure to find the rare gem in our extensive network of +5000 interim managers and freelancers. Thanks to our close cooperation, we know where they have the most experience and are the strongest. Their pragmatic “hands-on” mentality immediately adds value.

Talent Management
Employees who can use their talents are happier, more successful and more engaged. Our Talent Management team has extensive experience and expertise in assessment & development centres, coaching and tailor-made HR processes.
Based on our validated tools and methods, we create a manual for managers and/or HR teams with specific advice on your candidates and employees.

Soms stapelt het werk zich even op en heb je een paar Xtra handen nodig. Die kunnen wij je leveren, met de juiste expertise en enkel voor de tijd die echt nodig is. Door hun ervaring en flexibiliteit zijn onze +200 consultants in no time ingewerkt om je Finance, Legal, HR of Marketing team tijdelijk te versterken. We blijven hen ook begeleiden en verder ontwikkelen en hanteren daarvoor het ACES kwaliteitsproces.

Interim Management
Ben je op zoek naar een bepaalde expertise die moeilijk te vinden is? Heb je tijdelijk iemand nodig voor een strategische functie of een specifiek project? Je vindt de witte raaf ongetwijfeld in ons uitgebreid netwerk van +5000 interim managers en freelancers. Dankzij onze nauwe samenwerking, weten we waarin ze het meeste ervaring hebben en het sterkste zijn. Hun pragmatische “hands-on” mentaliteit zorgt meteen voor toegevoegde waarde.

Talent Management
Medewerkers die hun talenten kunnen inzetten zijn gelukkiger, succesvoller en meer betrokken. Ons Talent Management team heeft een ruime ervaring en expertise in assessment & development centers, coaching en HR trajecten op maat.
Op basis van onze gevalideerde tools en methodes creëren we een handleiding voor leidinggevenden en/of HR teams met specifiek advies over jouw kandidaten en medewerkers.
Why clearxperts?
We go the Xtra mile

Xtra human
At clearXperts, we take a human-first approach. Personal contact and a professional relationship with each customer is a top priority for us. We really want to get to know you so that we can fulfil your possible needs and wishes in the best possible way.

Xtra experience
We have experience with projects in various sectors, diverse corporate cultures and at all levels.Moreover, we invest a lot in the professional and personal development of our people. And we like to share that knowledge with our customers.

Xtra flexibility
Thanks to our flexible structure, we can move quickly. Need temporary reinforcement in your team? Then we will find the right match within 48 hours.

Xtra offer
At clearXperts, we strive to be a unique partner for our clients, offering an all-round range of temporary support and expertise